About Us
How did GL Equestrian Style come about?
Horses were part of my world from an early age. Regardless of whether it was the metal version at the fair or the real version of the four-legged creature in the circus .. that I had to swing their backs at every opportunity was already clear at the entrance. Over the years they have become my friends or best friends and a part of my life. Without being able to imagine mine .. With my first own horse Glenn Louis (this also explains the GL at "GL Equestrian Style") my greatest dream came true !! What at first looked like a great gift turned out to be an enormous challenge in retrospect, which also brought with it a huge responsibility. With many ups and downs and the making of important decisions, the bond with my heart horse grew. And every day I learned anew that life is not a pony farm - as it is portrayed in most children's books.
I am now 19 years old and have just started my studies. I will take less professional paths with equestrian sport .. but it will be forever !! be my passion and my air to breathe. Day after day my treasures put a smile on my face - with an often flattering way that I would never want to be without! Once a horse man - forever a horse man. But who am I telling this? Outsiders consider our special, usually extraordinary, relationships with our four-legged family members to be strange or suspicious - for us it is more or less the normal madness that is part of the stressful everyday life. What is a place of refuge for some like me is a kind of psychologist hour for others. We all have that special something in us that connects us in a unique invisible way - it's no secret that horse people speak the same language.
The idea of opening my own shop had been floating in my head for a long time. But to really go through with the whole thing, I might have had the time and courage that was and is nourished by various opinions from outsiders.
But now the time has come ... my own shop "GL Equestrian Style" has arrived at the present. Uniqueness and exclusivity were important to me from the start. I didn't want to imitate anything or have it in front of me like someone else. I want to do my own thing and do it well - it should be my bestseller. I don't want to stand still or be history at some point, I want to move with the times and write my story.
With the companies Torpol, Chia de Gracia and Silver Crown, I am quite well positioned for the time being, I would say cheekily. Each of the companies stands for its individuality and performance. I also represent all three important areas: saddlecloths and the like, lining and leather goods.
Torpol is known for its advanced medical research. With their magnetic field therapy they stand for the future. I was skeptical myself at the beginning, but then I noticed how the rhythm of riding and the being of my horses had completely changed for the better. Loose, relaxed and the most lively. "Get TORPOL, get results!"
Chia de Gracia produces purely biological, vegetable and organic feed additives for horses and dogs. In the past people and animals were healed purely on a plant basis, so why not today? Why can't we support the organism with very simple means from Mother Earth and thus prevent serious consequences in the first place. What laboratory, tweezers and test tubes can do, Chia seeds, ginger and rose hips have long been able to do!
Last but not least: Silver Crown. A brand of the present. With their bridles made of organic leather, they turn our current and daily problems into those of yesterday. In addition, you have the opportunity to create a different individual bridle every day and change parts without any problems.
Maybe life with me is a pony farm after all?